Shantu quickly becomes aware of the grid work of energy that creates the planet earth. This is the basic life essence of the planet and it is ever evolving and changing. The basic structure is that of cells, with some physicality existing on a frequency just above that of human visible range. By uniting with this grid work, he is able to communicate with the will of the planet, draw energy directly from it, and work with these energies to create the desired effect. Mastery of the earth's functions will be an early stage of development and frankly, a rather basic power.
The ability to move through dimensions is a very difficult thing to comprehend let alone accomplish. It is very easy to get lost in dimensions and to simply forget ones purposes for the traveling to begin with. This will be one of the harder abilities for most to master, even one as enlightened as Shantu. Shantu was raised by humans and therefore, by no-fault of his parents, taught human limitations. Unfortunately it was necessary for the Shantu spirit to be born on the earth. While his parents were chosen carefully, it was impossible to raise him in the environment where he would not be taught limitation. If he was raised by the Paa Tal, could he truly know the plight of humanity? Surely he could witness it, but this could never give him the insight, compassion, or raw desire to truly free humanity. By being one of them, his desire to free them would become unparalleled. The one consistent action and reflex, instinct if you will, of all animals and beings, is the desire to be free. Shantu knows that humanity is not free and he knows what it is to be a prisoner and it is this that gives him the drive to do when he must do. This is his motivation.