The controllers have realized the strength of the resistance is growing. Therefore they're making a move to strengthen control and destroy any chances of more people escaping their rule. They have great fear in one such as Max, for they know the freed human mind is much too powerful for them to deal with. The Draconian cannot exist on the third dimension for a long period time, therefore they've created dark beings, called viszorins. The viszorins are their henchmen who are able to exist in this plane because they are created from the combined genetic structure of Draconian and human. They're horrible, mindless beasts capable only of destruction. They serve the will of the Draconian as hunters and assassins when simply using the legal structures and authorities of earth are insufficient. They are able to maintain themselves at a frequency which is invisible to humans. However, the enlightened ones are able to see these beings. Fighting them however is another story altogether. In order to fight them the enlightened ones must use technology to create weapons capable of destroying certain frequencies as well as protect them from the attack of the viszorins. The enlightened ones feel that it is unfortunate to have to use these technologies as weapons however given the situation the choice is made for them. Therefore they must fight, and a warrior is needed. The warrior is Shantu.
Shantu is the name given by the elders to the one who would free humanity and unite the galaxy. This warrior would travel through the 12th dimension and reunite with the creator, therefore freeing all sentient beings of the universe. Maxmilian Starsun is the Shantu. His spirit is ancient and has been guided to this plane to take this form. The process of creating a human body capable of harboring such a being has been a long process of evolution. The typical human body cannot encompass the amount of information that is truth. The living body would simply fry like an overworked circuit, especially in the current world state. Human systems, through diet, infection, and mind-set are unable to handle vast amounts of information. The human genome originally consisted of 12 strands of DNA. However the aliens of Orion stole (disconnected) all but two of the strands leaving humans with a small percentage of their brains working. Shantu has vastly larger brain capability, as do the enlightened ones. Through this story we will see the DNA of Shantu and others begin to re-ignite, or reconnect, and we'll see the capabilities that this brings. This will allow humans freedom from the third dimension as well as an ability to dictate their own reality.