The earth itself is in a very desperate state. The atmosphere is weakening, and pollution is ramped. The people do not understand this situation however because of the conflicting information they're receiving. Progress is king and people believe that they're doing the right thing. In a sense they are, they're doing the best they can, considering the situation. They work for what is right and try to learn all that they can about the world around them. There are inventors of new technology, new meaning new to the humans of this age, who have obtained the ability to think on a more free and a multi-dimensional level. They also have been unknowingly given information by those beings that would want to help them. They have created technology that would allow humanity to live in peace and harmony with their surroundings for humans are the only species capable of self-destruction. This technology is energy based, such as energy houses that do not destroy natural resources, means of transportation that do not pollute, and computer based technologies that allow us to master our own bodies and environment. The key comes in Maxmilian Starsun. Not only can he understand these technologies, but he has the power of mind to use them as well as a break free of the prison that binds the people of earth. Max is beginning to understand that thought creates reality. Pure thought can manifest matter without the means of the manufacturing processes known to man. This is the beginning of multi-dimensional thinking and furthermore this is the beginning of godliness.
The ancient spirits incarnated on the earth have created a council named after their native home, the Paa Tal. This council has begun experimenting with technologies that they intend to use to fix the planet. They're able to regrow vegetation, neutralize radiative waste, and destroy pollution. However, because of the state of control on earth, they are unable to enact this without great opposition. They are currently hidden within caverns in the planet. Within the core of the planet there are strongholds of beings with invested interests in the state of the planet.
The evil hierarchy of control is as follows: the Anunnaki have supreme rule in this solar system, the Draconian manage and the use the planet's resources,but are a vastly larger empire that the Anunnaki. The gray aliens, or Zeta are their workers and are the ones in contact and co-operaton with the government. There is a council that answers to the grays, and they are called the Illuminati. The Illuminati in turn control the government's of Earth. The governments of the Earth are responsible for creating and maintaining the network of control that dictates the course of the humans. Separate from this hierarchy are the free thinkers, the enlightened ones and the benevolent aliens and spirits that seek to free mankind of its bonds. These human rebels are constantly being hunted down and placed in human prisons, or jails, and it is made to look as though they simply broke governmental laws. Therefore they have created an underground network and media, its purpose is to enlighten the rest of the planet. They are unknowingly guided by the human Council of Paa Tal.